b) Second and final reading to approve an ordinance amending the City of Harlingen Code of Ordinances to rezone from residential, Mobile Home ("MH") District to Residential Duplex ("R - 2") District for a 0. Our MissionHarlingen: Code of Ordinances: SubPart B. 7%. ARTICLE V. 371-2(d), 1. Please use the table of contents pane to navigate to the ordinance you're looking for. LIVESTOCK AND FOWL § 6-92. ANIMALS Chapter 8. EXPANSION OF BOUNDARIES. Agendas;. S. Harlingen City Hall 118 E. of Harlingen. Section 2. City leaders in Harlingen are changing a number of ordinances regarding cats and dogs. (Code 1973, § 19-2; Code 1997, § 153. PO Box 2207. - municipal government; article v. City Ordinances ; City Meetings; City Commission Minutes. Hill Building 502 E. A. City of Harlingen 118 E Tyler Ave Harlingen, TX 78550 Phone: (956) 216-5000. Advertisement. of Harlingen. 00 to $2. City Elections Finance Reports. 113 acre out of Lot 7, J H West Subdivision, located at 1605 North 7th Street. 1 General. 350. of Harlingen. 22-54, enacted December 21, 2022. ANIMALS: Article III. Sec. T. Managing the Emergency Operation Center. All ordinances of a general and permanent nature enacted on or before July 1, 2015, and not included in the Code or recognized and continued in force by reference. of 10-17-1944) Sec. of Lot 1 and all of Lots 2-6, Block 3, Windsor Place Addition, contingent. Sec. of Harlingen. Planning & Development Division Lon C. CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF HARLINGEN, TEXAS; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE; PART I - CHARTER; CHARTER COMPARATIVE TABLE - LEGISLATION; Subpart A - GENERAL ORDINANCES. Michael Kester- Chief of Police. Posted: Jul 1, 2020 / 08:55 PM CDT. City Ordinances ; City Meetings; City Commission Minutes. of Harlingen. an ordinance of the city council of the city of mission, texas, amending appendix a- zoning, article viii - use districts and conditional uses of its code of ordinances by changing section 1. The subdivision fee isPlanning & Development Division Lon C. You have an investment in the home or business you are about to build or remodel. 00. Harlingen, Texas - Code of Ordinances; PART I - CHARTER; ARTICLE IV. state of Texas, about 30 miles (48 km) from the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. of Harlingen. No. 24-Hour Reporting Hotline. of Harlingen. 00. T. Agendas;. Provide assistance to civic and non-profit organizations. Harlingen City Permits Contact Information. rain or shine. - Mayor and City Commissioners. Agendas; Harlingen Community Improvement Board. - act of incorporation, corporate name and general powers; article ii. 1327 E Washington Ave Ste 240, Harlingen, TX 78550. Directions. Tyler Harlingen, Tx 78550 O: (956) 216-5180 E: [email protected]. Computer and Internet Use. City of Harlingen 118 E Tyler Ave Harlingen, TX 78550 Phone: (956) 216-5000. Nothing in this code shall be construed to cancel, modify or set aside any provision of the City of Harlingen Zoning Ordinance. Tyler Street, Harlingen, Texas. Harlingen: Code of Ordinances: SubPart B. Ordinance No. Agendas;. of Harlingen. City of Harlingen Zoning & Code Ordinance . (Supp. ordinance 06-___ an ordinance amending city of harlingen code of ordinances, title xi, chapter 111: food and food establishments, section 111. AREA, YARD AND FENCE REGULATIONS. Agendas;. (956) 216-5200. (956) 427-8824. Agendas;. City Commissioner, District 3. Welcome to the Harlingen Police Department website. Harlingen, TX 78551-2207. All ordinances of a general and permanent nature enacted on or before July 1, 2015, and not included in the Code or recognized and continued in force by reference. S. City Ordinances ; City Meetings; City Commission Minutes. Claim this business. (956) 428-7999. , Local Government Code ch. As the legislative and governing body of the City, the Commission enacts all ordinances and resolutions and adopts all regulations. There are restrictions regarding tethering of dogs and other animals. Name Harlingen City Permits Address 502 East Tyler Avenue Harlingen, Texas, 78550 Phone 956. 2020 Minutes; 2019 Minutes; 2018 Minutes; 2017 Minutes; 2016 Minutes; 2015 Minutes; Economic Development Corp. City of Harlingen 118 E Tyler Ave Harlingen, TX 78550 Phone: (956) 216-5000. MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing!City Ordinances ; City Meetings; City Commission Minutes. 48. (Supp. Economic Census data. right-of-way, or other public building or structure owned or operated by the city or the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District, or while in or within 50 feet of an underpass,. Norma Sepulveda. Harlingen, Texas - Code of Ordinances; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE; Show Changes. More. In addition to city ordinances, those who live in "closed range" counties would need to have their livestock fenced in so that they are not able to roam free. City of Harlingen 118 E Tyler Ave Harlingen, TX 78550 Phone: (956) 216-5000. code of ordinances city of harlingen, texas; supplement history table; part i - charter; charter comparative table - legislation; subpart a - general ordinances; subpart b - land development ordinances. CODE OF ORDINANCES City of HARLINGEN, TEXAS Codified through Ordinance No. (Supp. The term "Code" means the Code of Ordinances, City of Harlingen, Texas, as designated in section 1-1. us or call. code of ordinances city of harlingen, texas; supplement history table; part i - charter; charter comparative table - legislation; subpart a - general ordinances; subpart b - land development ordinances. Most are enacted by a city council, and they have the. Return to search results Member Type: Member City Website: Region: 12-Lower Rio Grande Valley County: Cameron Address: PO Box 2207 Harlingen, TX 78551-2207. 1 2 Regular CC MTG 9/15/21 3 CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HARLINGEN, TEXAS 4 September 15, 2021 5 6 A Regular Meeting of the Harlingen City Commission was held September 151h, 2021 at 5:30 p. No. 2-401. 38-2(h) of its code of ordinances, and providing a codification clause; and providing a publication date. Harlingen TX 78550 (956) 216-5000 (956) 216-5002 (956) 216-5012; Send Email; Visit Website; ShareCity Ordinances . Harlingen, Texas - Code of Ordinances; Subpart B - LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCES; Chapter 111 - ZONING; ARTICLE X. For more information, please visit the 2021 5-year ACS Comparison Guidance page. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. 2020 Minutes; 2019 Minutes; 2018 Minutes; 2017 Minutes; 2016 Minutes; 2015 Minutes; Economic Development Corp. com. Harlingen Recycling Center . Agendas;. City of Harlingen 118 E Tyler Ave Harlingen, TX 78550 Phone: (956) 216-5000. gov. City Ordinances ; City Meetings; City Commission Minutes. View All Meetings ×. Harlingen, Texas24,506. 10 definitions; section 90. an ordinance of the city commission of the city of harlingen, texas, amending chapter 48 utilities article iii water system creating division 4 drought contingency and emergency water management plan of the city of harlingen code of ordinances; establishing administrative penalties; establishing an effective date hereof. code of ordinances city of harlingen, texas; supplement history table; part i - charter; charter comparative table - legislation; subpart a - general ordinances. Code of OrdinancesSupplement 13Online content updated on May 5, 2023. Harlingen City Government Offices by City Of Harlingen (956) 216-5300. City of Harlingen 118 E Tyler Ave Harlingen, TX 78550 Phone: (956) 216-5000. Harlingen community rallies for flood awareness ahead of drainage proposal vote, Valley Central Local 23, October 4, 2020. United States. City Elections Finance Reports. City of Harlingen. Conducting annual disaster exercises. 09/01/2020 . Code Of Ordinances; City Ordinances ; City Meetings; City Commission Minutes. 13) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation. - Drive-in restaurants and other parking lots; regulations. A. Section 103 Department of property maintenance inspection. CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF HARLINGEN, TEXAS; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE; PART I - CHARTER; CHARTER COMPARATIVE TABLE - LEGISLATION. 24-Hour Reporting Hotline. - legislation (ordinances and resolutions)an ordinance of the city of harlingen, texas amending sections 40-129, 40-130, 40-132, and 40-135 of chapter 40 of the harlingen city code as amended to: (1) change the definition of street to refer to one block with the proposed location of the hump generally centered on that block; and (2) require a petition documenting that a minimum of two. No. If you are interested in a full copy of the ordinance, you may email your request to [email protected], applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Harlingen, its council, boards, commissions, officers, agents, volunteers, and employees from and against any and all loss, damages, liability, claims, suits, costs and expenses, whatsoever, including reasonable. The city of Harlingen is reminding residents of its city ordinance of keeping lawns shorter than 12 inches. , Local Government Code ch. 56, 95. Harlingen: Code of Ordinances: Part I. Chapter 1. 01 (a) and ordinance #04-85, to provide for the automatic amending of the city’s governing texas food establishment rules as amended from time to time by the texas department of state healthThe University of Texas Rio Grande Valley has just secured a $1. 081, 342. A. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "City of Harlingen Mobile Home Ordinance. City of Harlingen 118 E Tyler Ave Harlingen, TX 78550 Phone: (956) 216-5000. an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance (ordinance no. CODE OF ORDINANCES City of HARLINGEN, TEXAS Codified through Ordinance No. 04- 28 an ordinance amending title ix, chapter 90: animals, of the city of harlingen code of ordinances by creating sections 90. The Regular meetings of the Harlingen Elective Commission are held on the lst and 3 rd Wednesdays of the month at 5:30 p. - Scope and purpose. , City 7 Hall, Town Hall Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harlingen, Texas and providing the public the ability to view the 8 meeting via. City Ordinances ; City Meetings; City Commission Minutes. Harlingen Fire. (a) Includes persons reporting only one race. Campaign Finance Reports ; City Ordinances. Read Morean ordinance amending the city of harlingen code of ordinances chapter 111, article x, sign regulations removing all references to political signs and removing references to on-premise and off-premise signs that are content based and convert to form based regulation; and providing for publication. Print Email Facebook Twitter. In addition to these ordinances, staff investigate and. 2020 Minutes; 2019 Minutes; 2018 Minutes; 2017 Minutes; 2016 Minutes; 2015 Minutes; Economic Development Corp. In accordance with Texas Local Government Code § 283. Planning & Development Division Lon C. 2020 Minutes;. Harlingen (/ ˈ h ɑːr l ɪ n dʒ ɪ n / HAR-lin-jin) is a city in Cameron County in the central region of the Rio Grande Valley of the southern part of the U. The department of property maintenance inspection, referred to as the Code Compliance Division, hereinafter, is hereby created. 1122 E Harrison. 48. In computing a period of days, the first day is excluded and the last day is included. ' . 402 E Tyler Ave, Harlingen, TX 78550. 2020 Minutes; 2019 Minutes; 2018 Minutes; 2017 Minutes; 2016 Minutes; 2015 Minutes; Economic Development Corp. 913 E Harrison Ave Ste 18, Harlingen, TX 78550. Planning and zoning commission means the City of Harlingen Planning and Zoning Commission, an advisory board governed by V. City Ordinances ; City Meetings; City Commission Minutes. (Supp. an ordinance of the city of harlingen, texas amending chapter 97. Planning and zoning commission means the City of Harlingen Planning and Zoning Commission, an advisory board governed by V. . Crime Stoppers: 956-425-8477. . Oct. Harlingen Fire Department Station 8. Households with a computer, percent, 2017-2021. Harlingen's Downtown Board (HDB) means a 12-member board consisting of owners or representatives of owners of real property within the district. 24-Hour Reporting Hotline. Updated: Mar 8, 2017 / 04:51 AM CST. Name Cameron County Health Department Animal Control Address 1122 Morgan Boulevard Harlingen, Texas, 78550 Phone 817-222-1122. 2020 Minutes; 2019 Minutes; 2018 Minutes; 2017 Minutes; 2016 Minutes; 2015 Minutes; Economic Development Corp. Agendas;. 1006 S Commerce St Harlingen, TX 78550 (956) 427-8824 ( 13. 27(a) animal defecation prohibited in certain areas and 90. Health Ordinances. PO Box 1669 Harlingen TX 78550 (956) 423-2521 (956) 428-4026 (956) 425-0455; Send Email; About Us. View All Meetings ×.