Dover thrift editions. Dover Thrift Editions are low priced, compact (5"x8"), complete and unabridged. Dover thrift editions

 Dover Thrift Editions are low priced, compact (5"x8"), complete and unabridgedDover thrift editions  Author/Editor

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Debuting in 1990, the Thrift Editions library of classic literature is a top choice for teachers, students, librarians, and recreational readers around the world. pages 05-24. Dover’s longstanding mission of exceptional value has consistently offered excellence in classic fiction, nonfiction, plays, and poetry. 80 You Save : 20% Food and Drink: A. Simply copy it to the Works Cited page as is. START NOW. "Lord Randal": And Other British Ballads by Francis James Child 57 copies, 1 review. Dover’s Thrift Editions offer a superlative collection of classic literature at exceptional value, with over 700 titles available by world-famous authors in fiction, nonfiction, plays, and poetry. Dover’s longstanding mission of exceptional value has consistently offered excellence in classic fiction, nonfiction, plays, and poetry. Paperback. 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This affordable series can help students and casual readers gain a deeper understanding of important works of literature. Dover’s longstanding mission of exceptional value has consistently offered excellence in classic fiction, nonfiction, plays, and. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Chump Change Edition) [Jacobs, Harriet] on Amazon. With our low prices, you can afford to stock up on timeless works of literature you may have missed, like hundreds of our Dover Thrift Editions, riveting mysteries, rich science fiction and more. Check out the newest Creative Haven® coloring releases!. Dover Thrift Editions: Fiction 7 GREAT STORIES FROM THE GERMAN ROMANTICS: Ludwig Tieck and Jean Paul Richter. An English professor at the City University of New York's Kingsborough College, Bob Blaisdell is the editor of numerous Dover. Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in 1888 in St. Grades: 7-AD. Images in this review Reviews with images. 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